»Why doesnt Docker run on Apple Silicon« is already an absolute clown car of a thread. I love it. 🍿 Mastodon icon· 2020-11-16· #mastodon /posts/mastodon/ Antworten Moritz Heiber: @annika @bascht On top of that, it's also a question of the ecosystem around you. Just because you want to run ARMv7 doesn't mean anyone or anything around will or wants to, especially for on-prem systems and the laptop of your colleague .. Apple has been on this island before (PowerPC) and I don't see this turning out any other way when it comes to the professional compute market, unless Microsoft & friends are going to push compatibility layers Bascht: @annika yes absolutely. In the long run I expect way more ARM-ish images coming our way. But I think we're talking years, not months. And I already see arguments coming where developers will want to just use the NodeJS ARM build on their M1 notebooks. moonglum: @bascht zomg. Bascht: 🤡 Jetzt kommentieren Ähnliche Beiträge bascht: “From today's bike ride around …… Near our home a Circus stranded since th… We're reaching "The CNET Guide to speedi… If you need to extract stuff from a forw… I always liked PC guy better.…