WTH is the i3 window manager running ads? Mastodon icon· 2020-12-18· #mastodon /posts/mastodon/ Reaktionen Antworten Bascht: (on stackoverflow, that is) sankakujin: @bascht where? Bascht: @daniel stackoverflow Billy Bottlepossum: @bascht if I renounced XMonad i would have to adopt another tiling WMit would be a hassle.haskell or hassle? that is the question neil@social.coop: @bascht probably this https://stackoverflow.blog/2009/12/19/free-vote-based-advertising-for-open-source-projects/ Free Vote-Based Advertising for Open Source Projects - Stack Overflow Blog Jonn: @bascht good for it though. Bascht: @jonn absolutely. I was happy but not sure whether I should click on it, to not waste anyone's ad Budget :D Jetzt kommentieren Ähnliche Beiträge bascht: “Winter fog + a few filters = d…… bascht: “Awwww. @Krita@mastodon.art has…… Dat first sip of ☕ in the Morning.… You should do yourself the favour and lo… bascht: “tbh, most of us would be.”…