Sure. Mastodon icon· 2020-12-21· #mastodon /posts/mastodon/ Reaktionen Antworten Rysiekúr Memesson: @bascht"Oh, yeah, I was meaning to fix all of these. thank you for your kind offer! I happen to be doing a BaschtCoin ICO very soon, and this will bring a lot of publicity (and money!) to my site.I'm happy to pay in BaschtCoin, and since you'll get on this awesome easy-money train early, you'll end up getting plenty rich. Plus, think of the exposure!When can you start?" Beko Pharm: @bascht 😂 @bascht Kein SEO im Angebot? Gibt's ja nicht. Jetzt kommentieren Ähnliche Beiträge bascht: “Phew.…”… bascht: “The peppermint, lime, ginger a…… bascht: “Breakfast escalated.”… (on stackoverflow, that is)… bascht: “WTH is the i3 window manager r……